Righting Rote by pazooter Rote learning has acquired a bad name in the United States. But is learning by rote , the process whereby students are made to memorize without consideration for comprehension, the baby that got thrown out with the bathwater? Historically, it's the Chinese who perfected the talent for rote learning . The master would give the statement to be learned and the entire class, in unison, would chant back the exact statement. Again and again and again until they had it memorized. Over the centuries it generally served them well. The downside was that, while Chinese students became highly knowledgeable and skilled in their cultural arts and professions, creative thinking was not, with some important exceptions, a common forte. It appears that in the United States, rote learning went the way of knuckle-whacks and butt-whumpings. Well-financed experts (i.e., not teachers) determined that comprehension was lacking and targeted most forms of force-fe...